Website Analysis

How To Outperform Your Competitors

You may have heard that SEO is dead. Google can no longer be influenced by stuffing key words into pages or using questionable links.

So the question now is, “What do I have to do to get good rankings in Google?”

You need to produce and publish relevant, high-quality content. In fact, optimized content is the new SEO. This is factually the most important and only realistic way of getting found on and respected by Google.

You need to create content that answers your target audience’s right now and most important questions. Getting this right can be difficult even for professionals.

Fortunately we developed The Content Optimizer service. This service has proprietary technology that looks at your website’s content the same way the search engines do. This saves you time and money because it enable you to get your content right immediately.

It crystallizes what you are communicating, as well as identifying if your content is easy or difficult for your readers to understand.

It will empower your efforts so that you produce content that inspires action.

The end result is precision, targeted content. You will be answering the exact questions that your real target audience has. And Google will understand your content as relevant.

The Content Optimizer begins with an in-depth analysis of your content and some special keyword research. We compare the results of both, and tell you exactly what you need to do in order to produce relevant content.

Then we coach you to ensure you produce the expected content.

Your competitors are going to find out about this service by seeing your content and sales rising to the top!

Some other companies charge thousands of dollars for services that require a lot of effort but will not deliver the insight and results that The Content Optimizer gives.

The Content Optimizer is priced at a one-time introductory fee of only $497.00.

Availability is limited, so order today.